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Старый 16.12.2008 15:50   #51  
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в Кадровое агентство Resurs

Заработная плата: от 150000 сум
Тип работы: Неполный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Продажа туров

Старый 16.12.2008 15:50   #52  
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Менеджер по продажам
в Кадровое агентство Resurs

Заработная плата: от 250000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Работа в офисе, связь с регионами, заключение договоров.

Старый 16.12.2008 20:00   #53  
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Programme Associate (ICS-6)
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: I. Organizational Context:

Under the overall guidance of the direct supervisor, Head of Environment and Energy Unit, the Programme Associate ensures effective delivery of the Environment and Energy Unit programme by entering and managing data and supporting programme implementation consistent with UNDP rules and regulations.

The Programme Associate will supervise all financial, administrative and clerical matters of projects under the unit, and substantive matters of some projects that will be directly assigned by the Head of Unit. The Programme Associate works in close collaboration with the Business Center, other programme units and projects’ staff in the CO and UNDP HQs as required for resolving complex finance-related issues and exchange of information.

II. Functions / Key Results Expected:

Summary of Key Functions:

- Support to formulation of Environment programme strategies and implementation of the Program Plan;
- Support to management of the Environment Unit programme;
- Administrative support to the Environment Unit programme;
- Support to resource mobilization;
- Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing.

1. Supports formulation of programme strategies and implementation of the Programme Plan focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Collection, analysis and presentation of background information for preparation of unit strategy and portfolio of projects, effective application of RBM tools and establishment of management targets (BSC).
- Presentation of background information for formulation of draft project documents, work plans, budgets, proposals on implementation arrangements.

2. Provides effective support to management of the Environment and Energy programme focusing on the achievement of the following results:
- Creation of a project in Atlas, preparation of required budget revisions, revision of project award and project status, determination of unutilized funds, operational and financial close of a project.
- Provision of guidance to the executing agencies on routine implementation of projects.
- Presentation of information for audit of NEX projects, supports implementation of audit recommendations.
- Provides support to Energy and Environment Practice leader in managing Practice activities, i.e. provides information to the Practice members on events and activities, assists in arraigning meetings and prepares background materials, constantly updates practice web-site/intranet.

3. Provides administrative support to the Environment Unit focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Review of NEX projects Financial Reports; preparation of non-PO vouchers for development projects.
- Maintenance of the internal expenditures control system which ensures that vouchers processed are matched and completed, transactions are correctly recorded and posted in Atlas.
- Timely corrective actions on unposted vouchers, including the vouchers with budget check errors, match exceptions, unapproved vouchers.
- Creation of requisitions in Atlas for development projects, register of goods receipt in Atlas.
- Making budget check for requisitions, POs and vouchers.
- Provides services to external clients such as Government, international organizations, UN agencies. Donors, i.e. provide information on the status of programmes/projects, updates the library in DEERFI and MFA on all UNDP programming-relates documents, provides support to visiting missions, acts as an intermediary of not represented agencies in their relations with government, provides assistance to government agencies in participating in events of other agencies (correspondence, communication, visa, invitations, travel processing);
- Manages preparation and logistics of various programming events such as quarterly reporting and planning exercise, spot check visits, LPACs and TPRs, audit and evaluation as well as carries out specific operational tasks related to programming activities.

4. Supports resource mobilization focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Analysis of information on donors, preparation of donor’s profile.
- Track and reporting on mobilized resources. Review of contributions agreement, managing contributions in Atlas.

5. Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the Unit focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Organization of trainings for the projects staff on programme.
- Synthesis of lessons learnt and best practices in programme.
- Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

III. Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the overall performance of the Programme Unit and success in implementation of programme strategies. Accurate analysis, data entry and presentation of information ensure proper programme implementation.

IV. Competencies

Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Functional Competencies:
Knowledge Management and Learning
- Shares knowledge and experience
- Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness:
- Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to Results Management, including support to design, planning and implementation of programme, managing data, reporting.
- Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new system, including new IT based systems
- Good knowledge of Results Management Guide and Toolkit

Leadership and Self-Management:
- Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities

Prince2 training and certification, RMG

Старый 16.12.2008 20:00   #54  
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в Алмаз

Заработная плата: от 700 у.е.
Тип работы: Неполный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Автоводители ГАЗ-3307 самосвал. Категория С. Узбеки 25-55 лет, с опытом вождения от 4 лет и знанием ремонта. З/п сдельная, выплата 2 раза в месяц. Вывоз строительного мусора по всему городу.

Старый 17.12.2008 12:20   #55  
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в СП "ГСКБ по ирригации"

Заработная плата: от 200000 до 250000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Контроль, эксплуатация, ремонт прядельного, чёсольного оборудования.

Старый 17.12.2008 12:20   #56  
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Слесарь механосборочных работ
в СП "ГСКБ по ирригации"

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Выполнение работ, по сборке нестандартного оборудования.

Реклама и уведомления
Старый 17.12.2008 12:20   #57  
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Инженер-механик по транспорту
в СП "ГСКБ по ирригации"

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Ремонт и эксплуатация легковых и грузовых автомобилей.

Старый 17.12.2008 12:20   #58  
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в СП "ГСКБ по ирригации"

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Обработка металлов резаньем.

Старый 17.12.2008 16:30   #59  
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Работник склада
в Рекрутинговое агентство Shamir Business

Заработная плата: 200000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Работа на складе крупной организации (приём и отгрузка товара).

Старый 17.12.2008 16:30   #60  
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Рекламный агент
в ООО "Gigal-Info"

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Сдельная работа
Должностные обязанности: - проведение переговоров с клиентами;
- выезд на встречу с клиентами;
- проведение презентаций.

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