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Старый 27.12.2008 13:00   #121  
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Project Assistant
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Under direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Assistant will undertake the following tasks and responsibilities:

Key tasks and responsibilities
- Assist the Project Manager in planning, monitoring and reporting of project activities;
- Contributes to the mainstreaming of gender issues into project planning, monitoring and reporting;
- Ensure that all actions on project activities are performed according to UNDP rules and procedures;
- Ensure the preparation of all administrative and financial documents (RLS, RDPs, RPAs with relevant supporting documentation) and ensure their timely submission to UNDP CO for further processing;
- Assist the Project Manager in drafting and implementation of the workplan to ensure timely delivery of Project outputs;
- Ensure smooth functioning of the project by timely addressing any administrative issues related to the Project premises (payment for office maintenance costs, etc);
- Arrange timely recruitment/extension/separation of the short-term consultants;
- Arrange travel of project staff/counterparts, as required;
- When applicable, arrange the preparation of required documents for RAP/CAP reviews and short term recruitments and ensure their timely submission;
- Ensure leave monitoring of project staff, prepare Monthly Leave Reports;
- Assist the Project Manager and other project staff in organizing the workshops and round tables;
- Maintain and keep updated the project files and records, including personnel records, and, where possible, ensures that all data is disaggregated by sex;
- Perform other duties related to personnel, administrative and financial issues of project as required.

Старый 27.12.2008 13:00   #122  
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Legal Specialist
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: The objective of the project is to support the Government in reducing the gender gaps that were highlighted in the concluding comments of the CEDAW Committee in August 2006 by raising awareness and organizing training courses on CEDAW areas and women migrant's rights, building capacity of the involved institutions and actors, enhancing research capacity, developing and lobbying related legislation, and mobilizing civil society.

The Legal Specialist will be fully responsible for the establishing of good and sustainable relationships between UNDP and government structures as well as NGO and mass media in preparing the government responses to the UN CEDAW Committee raised issues, related to the 4th national report, assisting to the official delegation in preparing them for the presentation in January 2010, particularly in the areas, related to legislature and legal mechanisms, as well as cooperation with the legal institutions and law enforcement agencies.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and the overall guidance of the Head of Good Governance Unit the Legal Specialist will undertake the following tasks and responsibilities
- Maintain of the relationships between Women's Committee and ministries, institutions and organizations responsible for monitoring and executing of National Plan of Actions
- Assist in preparing answers to questions of UN CEDAW Committee related to the 4th national report and make arrangement for the Uzbekistani delegation to present the report in Geneva
- Carry out information exchange between representatives of the government structures and NGO on issues of CEDAW implementation into national legislation
- Maintain relationship with branches of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan (city, district, regional), Institute for Monitoring of Acting Legislation, General Prosecutor's office and National Human Rights Center on issues of on-site realization of the National Plan of Actions and CEDAW implementation, assistance them to organize of events to promote CEDAW
- Provide trainings on drafting formal letters to the staff of Women's Committee
- Define needs of civil society and government authorities and assist to the Project Manager to include their expectations to the project's tasks and events
- Work with mass media for better coverage of the national report's development, presentation procedures, CEDAW Implementation as well as local legislation related to protection of women's rights
- Draft the press releases and project reports on events held
- Perform other duties related to the project upon request of the Project Manager within the scope of given position.

Старый 27.12.2008 17:10   #123  
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Project Manager (SC-5) (re-advertisement)
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: To promote contribution of foreign trade and investments to sustainable socio-economic development, United Nations Development Program jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan launched the project “Capacity Building and Strengthening Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion Institutions in Uzbekistan”. The project aims to improve the institutional framework for foreign trade facilitation and export promotion, foreign investments attraction and encouraging effective dialogue among different national stakeholders on the country’s integration into the world economy and trade. The project represents an important aspect of further improvements in trade facilitation and investment attraction to complement welfare improvement efforts of the Government of Uzbekistan.

The project’s highlights include widely circulated and recognized Investment Guide to Uzbekistan for 2007 and accompanying Catalogue of Investment Opportunities, and also investment portal (http://www.investment.uz) that is regularly updated.

Under the overall guidance of a National Project Coordinator (NPC) and UNDP Head of Economic Governance Unit, the PM will ensure smooth and timely delivery of operations in accordance with work plan of the Project through performing the following duties and responsibilities:
1. to coordinate and manage day-to-day Project activity and its overall implementation process, including activities planning and financial monitoring towards optimal use of resources, in an effort to ensure successful achievement of the project objectives;
2. to supervise accomplishment of the Project work-plan, analyze emerging problems and take adequate measures to ensure timely fulfillment of Project tasks;
3. to determine partnership strategy concerning experience sharing and co-financing opportunities resulting in resource mobilization for the Project;
4. to submit regularly reports and make other contributions during tripartite and other meetings on designing, implementation and monitoring as well as assessment of the approved work-plan and inform donors/partners in a due manner;
5. to participate in assessment of the Project output in the area of foreign trade and development and individual Project activities using various methods and tools of assessment and monitoring;
6. to maintain liaison with UNDP Country Office and other UNDP-financed programs/projects in order to consolidate joint efforts towards outcome-oriented implementation of Project;
7. to collaborate closely with government agencies, business support institutions, private sector, UN agencies and other development partners;
8. to coordinate the process of raising public awareness on Project and related activities through mass media;
9. to control and evaluate Project personnel;
10. to select national and international experts to be involved in the Project with the consultative support of the NPC and UNDP Head of EG Unit;
11. to provide Project team with qualified consultations and guidance.

Старый 27.12.2008 17:10   #124  
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International Consultant #1 on Support to Development of Valuation Methodology and Practice
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: International Consultant #1 on Support to Development of Valuation Methodology and Practice in Uzbekistan (re-advertisement)

Duration: Deskwork (up to 30 working days), including a field mission to Uzbekistan (5 to 10 working days)

February – March 2009


The improvement of existing regulatory framework and adoption of consistent valuation standards based upon market value approach are essential to a wide range of necessary developments in the transition economies, ranging from mortgage markets to property taxation and company financial reporting. The demand for that is even higher because transition to market economy is accompanied by the legacy of heavily distorted or complete absence of fair property prices. The absence of credible standards increases risks to investors and may discourage investment.

Accelerated pace of privatization, increased business and economic activity in Uzbekistan have led to the recognition of the importance of professional asset valuations. Recent Presidential Resolution #843 on “Further improvements of professional valuation practice and increased responsibility for performed services” emphasizes the need for unbiased, transparent, and professionally developed valuations that are essential for a variety of business activities and private sector development. In July 2008 the CoM Resolution #161 was passed to ensure the transparency and impartiality of valuations by putting in place regulations and procedures for formal examination of valuations.

The law “On Valuation Activity” (1999) stipulates that market value serves the basis for all valuations, unless otherwise specifically stated and the State Property Committee is the designated agency responsible for the regulation of valuation practice in Uzbekistan. It sets out statutory licensing with mandatory requirements on valuers. However, the law only partly codifies valuation practice in Uzbekistan leaving blanks in regulatory procedures and etc. Another notable deficiency is the absence of valuation standards for specific types of property and transactions related to acquisition and disposal of private/state property. The existing valuation standards for the main principles of valuation, non-market valuation principles, for financial and related statements, and loans facilities do not represent consistent and comprehensive methodological basis for the valuation practitioners.

UNDP in cooperation with the State Property Committee of Uzbekistan has embarked on a project which is aimed at further development of the valuation activity in Uzbekistan. In particular, the project envisages preparation of a detailed assessment report with recommendations on development of valuation practice, as well as drafting and operationalizing of three national valuation standards based on best international experience.

To accomplish this, the Project requires an international expert in the field of property valuation, cognizant of best international practices as well as of peculiarities of transition markets in the field. The expert is expected to provide extensive consultative support to the Project Team.

Under the overall guidance of the Project Coordinator and UNDP Economic Governance in close collaboration with respective team of national consultants, International Consultant is expected to perform following duties and responsibilities:

Undertake a detailed assessment of the development of valuation practice in Uzbekistan, including following steps:

a. Review and analyze the changes in the legislation and regulatory framework pertaining to valuation activity in the country

b. Assess the level of development of valuation practice against known international benchmarks

c. Identify trends, caveats and suggest measures to overcome the issues to ensure further development of valuation activity in the republic

d. Assess: 1) the capacities of local valuers to provide quality valuation services; 2) the degree of independence of appraisers; 3) their work ethics; and 4) self-regulatory pressures/incentives

e. Study the role of public organizations (NGOs) in ensuring the high standards in the above mentioned areas

f. Provide case studies on best international practices in the field of valuation of property in transition economies given the market weaknesses peculiar to developing markets

g. Suggest amendments and/or additions to the legislative/regulatory framework for valuation activity where appropriate

h. Evaluate existing national databases used for appraisals and assess the need for and feasibility of creating a unified database

i. Develop relevant policy mix for Uzbekistan based on the analysis and assessment of the gathered information whose aim is:

§ to further improve valuation methodology and practice in the country

§ to build capacities and linkages for sustainable development of valuation activity in the country in future

§ to achieve greater transparency and harmonization with best international practices

Outputs of the assignment:

The major output of the assignment will be the Concept of Development of Valuation Activity and Practice in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2012, which will be prepared by the International Consultant in close collaboration with the State Property Committee and a team of national consultants. The Concept will provide a detailed report on the current state of affairs related to valuation practice in Uzbekistan including, but not limited to the followings:

- Revision and analysis of the recent changes in the legislation and regulatory framework pertaining to valuation activity in Uzbekistan

- Comparative analysis of the national legislation and valuation practice against comparable and/or model international examples

- Assessment of 1) the capacities of local valuers to provide quality valuation services; 2) the degree of independence of appraisers; 3) professional ethics; and 4) self-regulatory pressures/incentives

- Overview of the role of local public organizations (NGOs) in ensuring the high standards in the above mentioned areas

- Knowledge of trends, caveats and to suggest the measures to ensure further development of Uzbekistan’s valuation activity/practice

- Case studies on best international practices in the field of valuation of property in transition economies given the market weaknesses peculiar to developing markets

- Recommended amendments and/or additions to the legislative/regulatory framework for valuation activity where appropriate

- Evaluation of existing national databases used for appraisals and assessment of the need and feasibility of creating a unified database to be used by appraisers

- Suggested detailed and feasible policy mix for Uzbekistan based on the analysis and assessment of the gathered information.

Старый 03.01.2009 16:40   #125  
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в ООО "Mikro kompyuter servis"

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Выполнение должностных обязанностей инженер-техника.

"+" от:
Старый 05.01.2009 13:40   #126  
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в Частная клиника Mehrigiyo-Shifo

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Лечебное дело

Реклама и уведомления
Старый 05.01.2009 13:40   #127  
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в Softline

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: - работа с базой данных (актуализация, внесение в БД новых контактов, осуществление рассылок);
- ведение делопроизводства;
- обеспечение офиса канцелярскими, хозяйственными товарами;
- бронирование гостиниц и билетов для командировок.

Старый 05.01.2009 17:50   #128  
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в Фармацевтическая компания Inter Globe

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Выполнение должностных обязанностей ветеринара.

Старый 05.01.2009 17:50   #129  
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в AC Refrigeration

Заработная плата: от 600 до 990 у.е.
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Выполнение должностных обязанностей инженера-электрика.

Старый 05.01.2009 17:50   #130  
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в AC Refrigeration

Заработная плата: от 400 до 600 у.е.
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Выполнение должностных обязанностей слесаря.

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