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Старый 16.06.2009 10:40   #1081  
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в Кадровое агентство Resurs

Заработная плата: от 300000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Требуется дизайнер.

Место работы: м. Космонавтов.

Старый 16.06.2009 10:40   #1082  
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Системный администратор (программист)
в Olvia Asia

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Неполный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Профессиональное знание программ: Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Office Excel.

Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1083  
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в ООО "Paradigma Print"

Заработная плата: 100000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Поддержка чистоты в помещениях, пунктуальность, ответственность.

Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1084  
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Главный бухгалтер
в Гильдия авторов и исполнителей Узбекистана

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Уважаемый соискатель!
Наши требования заключаются в знании 1С, компьютерных программ, таких как Word, Excel, Internet.
И конечно же умение справлятся с офисной техникой.

Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1085  
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Менеджер по работе с клиентами
в Teletrade Consulting

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: О TeleTRADE

Компания TeleTRADE D.J. предоставляет широкий спектр сервисных и консалтинговых услуг на мировых финансовых рынках — международном валютном рынке FOREX и американском фондовом рынке Stock.
За годы работы компания приобрела большой опыт сотрудничества со многими банками и брокерскими компаниями. Обслуживающим банком компании является один из лидеров мировой банковской элиты.
Сегодня у компании TeleTRADE D.J. крупнейшая региональная сеть и передовые программные продукты, обеспечивающие клиентам качественный сервис.

Должностные обязанности

Работа с клиентами компании, проведение семинаров, обучение клиентов основам работы на международных финансовых рынках.

Реклама и уведомления
Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1086  
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International Consultant - Community Mobilization and Development Expert (146/2009)
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Основные сведения

Financed by the TACIS Regional Action Programme for Central Asia (Action Plan for 2004) and implemented by UNDP, the project operates in Andijan and Namangan, two regions of the Fergana Valley. The project strategy is to reinforce the capacity of the 3 districts covered under Phase I and expand the community development approaches tested during Phase I and ELS project Fergana to 4 new districts (for a total of 7 districts).

The Area Based Development (ABD) programme in Uzbekistan, with whom the ELS project coordinates closely, is an integral part of UNDP’s strategy of promoting human security and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It contributes to the implementation of the Government’s regional development and decentralization policy as expressed in the Welfare Improvement Strategy. The components in Kashkadarya and Karakalpakstan are implemented in selected districts and communities, while the third component will be implemented nationwide to demonstrate alternative small-scale technologies and approaches for the improvement of living standards in rural areas.

The project strategy is to scale up the participatory community-based development approaches individually tested by UNDP in 5 regions (Namangan, Fergana and Andijan Kashkadarya regions and Karakalpakstan) to the whole of the Fergana Valley. The programme strategy promotes coordination and exchange with other donors active in the regions to improve the capacity of local authorities and institutions to deliver basic services to the local population more efficiently, promote concrete applications of development planning at the community level (aimed at improving access to basic services and expanding economic opportunities for the rural population through microfinance and support to dekhans), while also to addressing some of the immediate problems related to the financial crisis (returned migrants)and the long term effects of climate change (water scarcity). The main beneficiaries are: the local population of the three regions of the Fergana Valley, the regional and local governments (Khokimiyats), the Mahalla Fund and the Mahalla Committees in 300 villages approximately

Функциональные задачи и обязанности

Under the overall guidance of the ELS and ABD Programme Coordinator, and the direct supervision of the Project Managers and Task Managers in the ELS and ABD projects, the International Consultant will advise the ELS-ABD teams in the Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions where the ELS programme operates and in Karakalpakstan, and Kashkadarya where the ABD programme operates, in all matters related to community development. More specifically, he will assist the ELS-ABD project teams to:

1. Help the Project team finalize innovative community based mechanisms for poverty reduction based on specific regional contexts for better and more effective targeting of rural low income population, including an exit strategy, record lessons and make recommendations for future interventions.
2. Propose implementation monitoring, impact and evaluation arrangements to ensure closer collaboration and linking between the activities under the two project components i.e. deliver better services to rural population, community based self-help initiatives and support economic development through initiatives to improve agricultural productivity, small business development and better income generating opportunities ;
3. Share lessons and experience on appropriate technologies and agricultural practice to ensure a greater coverage amongst communities, including an open and flexible approach to development of agricultural extension services;
4. Assist the Project teams to prepare and implement a rigorous and planned approach to enterprise development to ensure significant investment in the capacity of the businesses and enterprises supported by the ELS project.

Objectives of the assignment

The objective of the assignment is to advise the ELS-ABD teams in the regions of Namangan, Andijan and Ferghana where the ELS operates and in Karakalpakstan, Kashakadarya, where the ABD operates in all matters related to community development for improved access to basic services and economic opportunities (agriculture and business).

Scope of work/deliverables, a clear and unequivocal definition of the final product/s or deliverables (e.g., survey completed, workshop conducted, data collected, reports written, etc);

September 2009 (10 days) –
Community development action and initiative groups & mobilization training plan

November 2009 (10 days)–Community development action and initiative groups& mobilization training plan

June 2010 (10 days) –
Assessment of community development action plan, training, exit strategy and recommendations

September 2010 (10 days) –
Assessment of community development action plan, exit strategy and recommendations

Overall milestones
1. Help the project team finalize innovative community based mechanisms for poverty reduction.
2. Propose implementation monitoring, impact and evaluation arrangements to ensure closer collaboration and linking between the activities under the two project components
3. Share lessons and experience on appropriate technologies and agricultural practice ;
4. Assist the project teams to prepare and implement a rigorous and planned approach to enterprise development.

Detailed provision of monitoring and progress controls, including reporting requirements, periodicity, format and deadlines:
The daily monitoring and progress control will be conducted by respective project staff in the field. At the end of each mission the International Consultant will provide a mission report to the ELS and ABD projects respectively, which will include detailed description of activities done and reached results. The report has to be provided not later than 10 days after completion of the assignment
Review/approval time required to review / approve outputs prior to authorizing payments;
The review of the performance and mission reports will be conducted by ELS and ABD Programme Coordinator and Managers of respective projects. The decision for payment will be made based on performance assessment, reports, outputs and results achieved of the International Consultant. The time for review and approval of the report shall not exceed 10 days after submission of the report by IC to respective project personnel.

Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1087  
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в Кадровое агентство Resurs

Заработная плата: 300 у.е.
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Требуется логист.

Место работы: м. М. Горького.

Старый 16.06.2009 15:10   #1088  
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в Кадровое агентство Resurs

Заработная плата: от 250 у.е.
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Требуется офис-менеджер.

Место работы: м. Хамза.

Старый 16.06.2009 19:20   #1089  
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Administrative/Finance Assistant (SC-6) (147/2009)
в ПРООН Узбекистан

Заработная плата: договорная
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: Основные сведения

The goal of the present project is to achieve ecosystem stability on degraded land in Karakalpakstan and the Kyzylkum desert in Uzbekistan, thus reversing the spread of deserts, increasing carbon sequestration, enhancing habitats fir biodiversity and achieving public health and socio-economic benefits, on a sustainable basis.

Detailed information about the project can be found on our web-site:
http: //www.undp.uz/projects/project.php?id=123

Under the guidance and direct supervision of Project Manager, the Administrative Finance Assistant provides financial services ensuring high quality, accuracy and consistency of work.

The Administrative Finance Assistant works in close collaboration with the Government Counterparts, project, operations, and UNDP Programme’s personnel in the Country Office to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery.

Функциональные задачи и обязанности

- Be responsible for office logistics, travel arrangements as well as recruitment/extension/separation of the project personnel;
- Encourage awareness of and promotion of gender equality among project staff and partners;
- Based on consultations with Project Manager and UNDP Business Center to perform procurement related operations in accordance with UNDP rules and procedures;
- Prepare all financial and administrative documents related to the project implementation in accordance with the UNDP rules and procedures, maintain project’s expenditures and commitments shadow budget;
- Develop quarterly and annual budget plans for recruitment of personnel; maintain financial records and monitoring systems to record and reconcile expenditures, balances, payments and other data for day-to-day transaction and reports;
- Advise and assist Project staff, experts and consultants on all respects of allowances, salary advances, travel claims and other financial and administrative matters, and calculate and authorize payments due for claims and services;
- Prepare detailed cost estimates and participates in budget analysis and projections as required to handle all financial operations of the project office, make cash payments and reconcile all accounts in required time frame;
- Maintain, update and transmit inventory records of non-expendable equipment in accordance with UNDP rules;
- Perform cash custodian’s duties being primarily responsible for project’s cash disbursements and maintain project’s petty cash book and payrolls related to the regional offices;
- Ensure leave monitoring of project staff, check the accuracy and proper completion of monthly leave reports;
- Analyze the potential problems concerning administrative-financial issues and take respective measures to provide adequate project’s resources in time for implementation of the project activities;
- Define the cost-effective measures for optimal use of resources of the project;
- Ensure full compliance of administrative and financial processes and financial records with UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.

UNDP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates, people with disabilities, and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. UNDP Balance in Manage Policy promotes achievement of gender balance among its staff at all levels by 2010.

Старый 16.06.2009 19:20   #1090  
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Преподаватель кафедры организации таможенного контроля
в Высший военный таможенный институт

Заработная плата: от 200000 сум
Тип работы: Полный рабочий день
Должностные обязанности: - Проведение занятий со слушателями;
- Участие в научно-исследовательской работе.

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